Weld Mount AT-2010 Acrylic Adhesive [2010]
Weld Mount
Acrylic AdhesiveCAN NOT SHIP AIR,UPS GROUND ONLYAT-2010 is our biggest seller and is a unique adhesive. It has high viscosity and will hold smaller parts without sagging. AT-2010 cures in 5 - 6...
Weld Mount AT-4020 Acrylic Adhesive - 10-Pack [402010]
Weld Mount
Acrylic Adhesive - 10-PackCAN NOT SHIP AIR,UPS GROUND ONLYAT-4020 is a specially formulated adhesive for holding all our parts with little or no sagging in vertical or overhead applications. Cures...
Weld Mount AT-4020 Acrylic Adhesive [4020]
Weld Mount
Acrylic AdhesiveCAN NOT SHIP AIR,UPS GROUND ONLYAT-4020 is a specially formulated adhesive for holding all our parts with little or no sagging in vertical or overhead applications. Cures in 10 - 12...
Weld Mount AT-300 Adhesive Dispensing Gun f/AT-2010 & AT-4020 [80300]
Weld Mount
Adhesive Dispensing GunThe AT-300 Adhesive dispensing gun has a 1:1 plunger for use with AT-2010 and AT-4020 50ml cartridges (sold separately) When using AT-6030 adhesive it requires AT-12 (10 to 1...
Weld Mount AT-301 Adhesive Dispensing Gun w/10:1 Plunger f/AT-6030 Adhesive Only [80301]
Weld Mount
Adhesive Dispensing Gun with 10:1 Plunger for AT-6030 Adhesive OnlyThe AT- 301 Adhesive Dispensing Gun Is Designed Specifically For Use With Our AT-6030 38 ml 10:1 Adhesive Cartridge. This Hand...