Digital Yacht AIT5000 Class B+ 5W Transponder w/Splitter WiFi [ZDIGAIT5000]
Digital Yacht
**As the FCC requires all units sold in the US to be programmed by a qualified technician. Please submit the form below for programming at time of purchase. A copy of the MMSI registration or FCC...
Digital Yacht NavLink 2 NMEA 2000 to WiFi Gateway [ZDIGNLINK]
Digital Yacht
NavLink 2 “NavLink 2 is an easy to fit NMEA 2000 to Wifi server designed to make NMEA 2000 navigation data available for apps on smartphones, tablets, iPads and PCs.” Features:NavLink 2 is an...
Digital Yacht SeaTalk1 to NMEA Interface [ZDIGSTN]
Digital Yacht
SeaTalk1 to NMEA InterfaceDigital Yacht's SeaTalk to NMEA (ISO) Converter is a small, but powerful interface that provides bi-directional conversion between a SeaTalk network and an NMEA 0183...
Digital Yacht WLN10 Smart NMEA to WiFi Converter - 4800 Baud [ZDIGWLN10SM]
Digital Yacht
WLN10 Smart NMEA to WiFi Converter - 4800 BaudDigital Yacht’s WLN10 Smart NMEA to WiFi gateway takes iPad and tablet integration afloat even further with the ability to connect to existing on board...
Digital Yacht iKonvert w/USB Interface [ZDIGIKVTUSB]
Digital Yacht
iKonvert with USB InterfaceThe iKonvert NMEA2000-0183 Gateway/Converter is an intelligent and flexible gateway for allowing software applications to read/write NMEA2000 data, either as RAW binary...
Digital Yacht iAISTX Class B Wireless Transponder [ZDIGIAISTX]
Digital Yacht
iAISTX Class B Wireless TransponderiAISTX has been designed specifically for the growing number of boaters who use an iPad or Android tablet for their navigation tasks. As a full function Class B...
Digital Yacht AIT1500 NMEA2000 Class B AIS [ZDIGAIT1500N2K]
Digital Yacht
AIT1500 NMEA2000 Class B AIS**As the FCC requires all units sold in the US to be programmed by a qualified technician. Please submit the form below for programming at time of purchase. A copy of the...
Digital Yacht CLA2000 Deep Sea Class A AIS Transponder [ZDIGCLA2000]
Digital Yacht
CLA2000 Deep Sea Class A AIS TransponderDigital Yacht’s CLA2000 is the ultimate SOLAS and inland waterway globally approved Class A AIS transponder. Water and weather proof to IP67, it has a full...
Digital Yacht GPS160 TriNav Sensor w/SeaTalk Interface Bundle [ZDIGGPS160ST]
Digital Yacht
GPS160 TriNav Sensor with SeaTalk Interface BundleThe GPS160, a high performance positioning sensor using GPS, Galileo and Glonass satellite systems for exceptional positioning accuracies and...