Digital Yacht CO Alert Carbon Monoxide Alarm w/NMEA 2000 [ZDIGCOALERT]
Digital Yacht
CO Alert Carbon Monoxide Alarm with NMEA 2000The lethal nature of CO means every boat should be protected with a local alarm. Of course, a typical household alarm could be installed but these...
Digital Yacht veKonvert NMEA 2000 Gateway [ZDIGVEKVT]
Digital Yacht
veKonvert NMEA 2000 GatewayveKonvert brings NMEA 2000 connectivity to Victron’s popular SmartShunt battery monitoring system. Now a navigation multi-function display becomes a sophisticated battery...
Digital Yacht LANLink NMEA 2000 To Ethernet Gateway [ZDIGLANLN2K]
Digital Yacht
LANLink NMEA 2000 To Ethernet GatewayMore and more boats now have a wireless router fitted or utilize services like Digital Yacht 4G Connect for internet connectivity. LANLink is an NMEA to ethernet...
Digital Yacht NjordLINK NMEA 2000 Cloud Gateway [ZDIGNJORD]
Digital Yacht
NjordLINK NMEA 2000 Cloud GatewayFeatures:The universal, easy-install, low-cost gateway to the Njord cloud platformDelivers all NMEA 2000 data to the cloud for real-time monitoring, advanced...
Digital Yacht NMEA 2000 3M Drop Cable [ZDIGN23M]
Digital Yacht
NMEA 2000 3M Drop CableThis Digital Yacht cable is a 3m (9ft) NMEA 2000 drop cable made of metal connectors for maximum reliability. The drop cable allows users to expand the NMEA 2000 to whatever...